Hello, my friends in the Latino community.   I am Doctor Jaime Jordan a psychiatrist practicing in Saint Paul Minnesota. I ask you to watch and hear these conversations about Major Depression.  —Why?

We can identify major depression early and then treat it effectively. Good treatment involves therapy and medication. Major Depression is one of the most common, serious, costly, and potentially fatal — but treatable illness seen in all cultures. Like all public health conditions, prevention is best — but to identify symptoms early and treat them effectively over months is critical. Not doing this can lead to drug abuse and addiction, poor function as a parent or on the job, and disabling physical complaints and illness like hypertension, obesity, and diabetes. These effects could be avoided or curtailed if the major depression factor is identified early and then treated.

The Latino community has the strength of family and enduring emotional connections as protective factors against major depressive illness.  “Familia” centered gifts alone may not be sufficient to overcome the weight of a major depressive illness with a suicide tragedy. Professional help is needed like we cast a broken leg improve physical symptoms and complications.  Suicide is a real risk of not treating depression.  This fatal outcome will happen more often when addictive drugs and alcohol are involved.

Listen carefully to the voices in these stories. These women and men describe what to look for and how to help yourself, your son, your daughter, a friend or a co-worker having symptoms of major depression. I learned most about mental illness by listening to others who taught me how to be a better psychiatrist. You can help me and my medical colleagues. There are not enough psychiatrists or easy access to physicians to get timely help. Most people are afraid or ashamed of asking for help from someone like me or their family doctor. Practice talking about it and learn what can be done to help. Please watch and listen carefully.

Thank you to Blue Plus / Blue Cross of Minnesota and Hubbard Broadcasting for support of depression project for the Latino community.


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