The Series
Understanding Depression, Hope Through Treatment
Major Depressive illness across the life cycle is the focus of the first series. In the segments guests talk openly and candidly with Dr. Jordan and Mary Hanson about their experiences with major depression. The guests include Patricia Lindholm, MD, FAAFP, Family Physician and former President of the Minnesota Medical Association; Cheree Langmade, RN, BSN, Public Health Nurse; John C. Hottinger, attorney and former Minnesota State Senate Majority Leader; and Peter Gillette, former CEO of Norwest Bank. Resource numbers for the public are given at the end of each of the programs.

Understanding Depression: The Suicide Connection
The programs in the second series showcase the stories of suicide survivors’ and experts’ efforts to reduce the number of deaths by suicide while emphasizing alternatives to suicide and resources for help. Dr. Edward Ehlinger, MD, Minnesota Commissioner of Heath, Macaran Baird, MD, Professor and Head of Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Minnesota, and Anne Gearity, LICSW, therapist in private practice, all spoke to the suicide crisis emerging in the young and elderly, the importance of depression detection, risk assessment, and effective treatment that usually begins in primary care practices but may require psychiatric consultation or treatment.
The suicide survivors include Mark Meier, LICSW, who came close to committing suicide and since has started a foundation to support men dealing with depression (Face it Foundation); Kim Witczak whose husband did die from suicide and Linda Schaeffer and Anna Lundblad whose son and brother also died as a result of suicide.

Entendiendo la Depresión: La Conexion Suicidio
The series on Depression and Suicide was translated into Spanish in order to assist Latinos in early detection of depressive symptoms that can lead to suicide. The stressful circumstances around immigration and deportation threats affect the Latino community in the USA. The viewing audience for the English language series found the personal stories of our guests helpful in recognizing the way a treatable illness like depression can begin to affect mood, personality, and the ability to study or to work.
If not detected and treated effectively, the risk of suicide increases. The series offers viewers an opportunity to see and hear men and women talk about their experience with their own depression or that of a loved one.